Answers with Adam:
Are You A Mountains or Beach Person?
CFO Adam:
I am totally a beach person. I have a condo in Virginia Beach. It's four blocks from the ocean. Every day that I'm there I take at least one walk down to the ocean just to hear the waves crashing, to sit on the sand or walk through the sand, and just feel that power and that energy.
And not only does it re-energize me, but it also calms me. So if I'm stressed out, when I'm there (let's say I'm working), I'll just go for a walk and just smelling that salt air, hearing the waves and seeing the waves and the sun bouncing off the water is just the place where I always want to be.
Are YOU a beach or mountains person?
After you book your complimentary 1-on-1 call to go over the largest financial issue facing your marketing agency today…where will you go to celebrate your new plan?
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